
Manufacturing Business Insurance - Summit Cover

October 19, 2023

Our economy is supported by manufacturing businesses that drive innovations and produce necessary goods. Nonetheless, the industry has its own risks, including equipment breakdowns and product-based claims. These challenges call for a comprehensive insurance cover that is no longer a luxury but a necessity. In this post, brought to you by SummitCover, Canada’s top insurance company, we delve into the crucial role of manufacturing business insurance. This guide discusses the insurance policies required to protect a manufacturing enterprise's physical assets and employees.

Before that, check out our blog post on “What is manufacturers insurance” for a better understanding!

Why Insurance is Crucial for Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing businesses are faced with sophisticated equipment in 

  • the manufacturing industry
  • intricate supply chains
  • elaborate operational procedures

Consequently, they face numerous risks that can distort their activities with potential losses. Here, manufacturing business insurance serves as a financial cushion against such unanticipated consequences. This means that the business can keep running regardless of any unforeseen events, which in turn reduces financial risks and safeguards the company’s image. Read out more about “How do Manufacturing Insurance Work”!

Many people ask, What type of insurance does a manufacturing company need? Here are some major policies you should know.

Property Insurance: Protecting Physical Assets and Equipment

In manufacturing concerns, property insurance is very important because it ensures the safety of the firms’ physical assets like 

  • Buildings
  • Machines
  • Stocks
  • Raw materials

Against unexpected circumstances such as fire, theft or calamities. By offering them appropriate coverage to recover from any losses soon, this policy gives a sense of security to businesses. Thus, the companies are able to take a break and later on continue with their businesses without encountering major challenges.

Product Liability Insurance: Coverage Against Product-Related Claims

The manufacturer must ensure that products released to the market are safe and of good quality. On the other hand, there are risks of 

  • Defects
  • Design faults
  • Ineffective warnings

These can result in lawsuits and compensation calls. In order to shield your business from these perils, you must have a product liability policy. It ensures your company against financial losses through legal fees, settlements, and others in case of such claims for that matter. It doesn't matter even if you have a small manufacturing business, insurance is important.

Workers' Compensation Insurance: Protecting Workers’ Welfare

First and foremost, the safety of employees should always come first when it comes to manufacturing operations. It offers a wide range of coverage including 

  • medical costs
  • rehabilitation costs
  • lost wages

For employees who experience any injury or illness while working. Such a policy is not just beneficial to employees in the occasion of an accident at work, but it also protects the company against any potential legal liabilities that may arise as a result of accidents happening at the firm’s premises. Companies may show their concern for employees’ safety and welfare by ensuring workers’ compensation insurance is part of their coverage.

Business Interruption Insurance: Safeguarding Against Unexpected Disruptions

Manufacturing companies work in a competitive industry where the production needs to be uninterrupted and timely deliveries are essential for the company’s prosperity. Nevertheless, such unforeseen occurrences as natural calamities may interrupt them, forcing them to close down temporarily for a long time and incur big financial losses. As with all manufacturing business insurance, business interruption insurance provides a blanket of security that comes into play when a company is forced to close its doors due to unforeseeable circumstances.

Commercial Auto Insurance: Company Vehicle and Driver Coverage

As manufacturing companies depend on a fleet of vehicles for goods transportation, equipment, or employee movement, commercial auto insurance becomes essential. It is essential as a business person to save your assets from possible vehicle-related occurrences. With this policy, your company’s vehicles and drivers are covered for 

  • All accidents
  • All damages
  • All liability lawsuits

It is not just an asset protection indemnity plan that covers the loss resulting from such accidents. It also keeps your peace of mind with confidence that your business and employees are safe.

Conclusion: The Necessity of Comprehensive Insurance Coverage

Comprehensive manufacturing business insurance is not just a precaution, but also an essential investment in the long-term prosperity of your company. These companies face diverse and dynamic risks that require custom-made coverage solutions that respond to every possible exposure of weaknesses. SummitCover appreciates the nuances of the manufacturing industry and thus has specifically designed coverage packages that offer a comprehensive shield for its clients.

Manufacturing business can strengthen their operations to make them robust against unexpected hurdles by associating with SummitCover. To explore custom insurance solutions for your business, visit our official website. Our expertise and dedication are the key tools that you require in order to safeguard your investments, save your staff and ensure stable developments towards a brighter future of manufacturing!

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